In the saddle, on horseback - The art of war of the conquest-era Magyars

In the saddle, on horseback - The art of war of the conquest-era Magyars

(2022 - 27')



The movie takes the viewer back to the 10th century, familiarizing him/her with the art of war practiced during the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin. The journey starts with the making of the weapons themselves, guides the viewer through their methods of use and ends with the analysis of the campaigns following the conquest. Thus, it discusses problematic aspects related to warfighting as practiced during the era.


Date: 2022

Made by Digitális Legendárium Munkacsoport

Experts: Dániel Bácsatyai PhD, János B. Szabó PhD, Zsolt Gallina, János Mestellér, Balázs Sudár PhD, Ádám Thiele PhD, Béla Török PhD, Attila Türk PhD, Bertalan Zágorhidi Czigány 

Producer: Zsolt Gallina, Ödön Hajnal, Attila Türk PhD

Executive Producer: Szabolcs Győrffy

Director: Tamás Komporday 

Operator: Zoltán Lovasi 

Composer: András Vermes